Phone. 93 439 07 08

Wealth management

Wealth management

gestión patrimonios

The Asset Management department of AcBar Finques i Patrimonis aims to provide you with the peace of mind you deserve, your real estate assets are managed professionally and with the firm purpose of optimizing the performance and revaluation of your properties. Our objective is your peace of mind and your security.

The wealth management service of AcBar Finques i Patrimonis offers:

Economic and control advice

Legal and legal advice

Tax advice

Labor advice

Commercial management

We publish your property on the main portals:


We are positioned in the main search engines and use the most popular portals with accurate and updated information.

A qualified commercial team allows us to respond efficiently and almost immediately, receiving visits, adapting to the needs of potential tenants or buyers.

For our administration clients we have special conditions to make the final price more competitive and thus facilitate the success of the operation.

We carefully search and select the most suitable tenants for your property.
We remain at your side after the rental, attending to and advising your concerns and your tenant’s concerns so that the relationship is stable and smooth..

We offer the option of Rent Insurance for greater guarantee in the collection of your rent.

Sectors of action

If you would like additional information, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to assist you.

We highlight