Wealth management
The Asset Management department of AcBar Finques i Patrimonis aims to provide you with the peace of mind you deserve, your real estate assets are managed professionally and with the firm purpose of optimizing the performance and revaluation of your properties. Our objective is your peace of mind and your security.
The wealth management service of AcBar Finques i Patrimonis offers:
Economic and control advice
- Analysis and review of property occupancy, income received and expenses generated.
- Generation and collection of receipts from tenants. Review and update of income.
- Tenant loyalty.
- Control and payment of supplies and suppliers, and subsequent charge in settlement.
- Monthly property settlements.
- Management of guarantees and guarantees.
- Maintenance of bonds.
- Contract expiration control.
- Management of resignations and liquidation of bonds. Review of the property.
- Monthly property settlements.
- Preventive and corrective maintenance of the property and incident management.
- Preparation and monitoring of annual budgets.
- Reception of community minutes.
- Payment of fees and spills, and subsequent charge in settlement.
Legal and legal advice
- Legal planning of your assets, to achieve the greatest tax balance, both in your current situation and for your future or that of your heirs.
- Legal advice, review and analysis of irregularities and specific interventions.
- Specialists in real estate recovery procedures.
- Advice to large holders for the protection of their interests.
- Filing, coordination and monitoring of judicial processes.
- Horizontal divisions.
- Segregations, groupings and Declarations of New Construction.
Tax advice
- Tax planning of your assets, to achieve the greatest tax balance, both in your current situation and for your future or that of your heirs.
- Management and settlement of all taxes that may be related to your activity: Personal Income Tax, VAT Corporate Tax, Non-resident Tax, etc.
- Planning and advice on inheritances and successions inter vivos and mortis causa.
Labor advice
- Labor advice
- Preparation of employment contracts and payrolls, both for employees and administrators.
- Conciliations.
Commercial management
- Appropriate valuation to determine the most realistic price at all times, which allows you to make your apartment an attractive product both for rent and for sale.
- In the event that you decide to rent your property, our commitment goes beyond finding you a good tenant, our goal is your peace of mind. We have a residual level of unpaid debts, which means that you can plan your income to allocate it to whatever you consider.
In this section
Are you looking for property?
At AcBar Real State you have all the properties for Rent and Sale.
We publish your property on the main portals:
We are positioned in the main search engines and use the most popular portals with accurate and updated information.
A qualified commercial team allows us to respond efficiently and almost immediately, receiving visits, adapting to the needs of potential tenants or buyers.
For our administration clients we have special conditions to make the final price more competitive and thus facilitate the success of the operation.
We carefully search and select the most suitable tenants for your property.
We remain at your side after the rental, attending to and advising your concerns and your tenant’s concerns so that the relationship is stable and smooth..
We offer the option of Rent Insurance for greater guarantee in the collection of your rent.
Sectors of action
- Housing.
- Residential buildings.
- Office buildings.
- Offices.
- Commercial premises.
- Industrial warehouses.
If you would like additional information, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to assist you.
We highlight
¿Cómo saber cuánto pagaba el anterior inquilino?
Se ha iniciado el periodo de información pública para delimitar los municipios que se declararán zonas de mercado residencial tensionado y donde se aplicarán las medidas de limitación de las rentas del alquiler.
Gastos por vender una vivienda en 2024
¿Quieres vender tu casa y no sabes cuántos gastos te supone? Realmente no existe un simulador que haga el cálculo automático, ya que depende de diversos factores.
Consejos para combatir el calor en casa y ahorrar energía
Con la llegada del buen tiempo, toca ponerse manos a la obra con muchas cosas en el hogar. Llegan las altas temperaturas y conviene dejarlo todo preparado para sobrellevarlas. Y es que tantas horas de sol terminan por calentar las casas y conciliar el sueño puede ser difícil.
Tendencias de decoración para este verano
Llega el momento de dar un aire más veraniego a tu hogar. La llegada del verano es el momento perfecto para renovar nuestro hogar e impregnarlo de un espíritu mucho más fresco, revitalizante, con colores fríos y alegres.
¿Cómo saber cuánto pagaba el anterior inquilino?
Se ha iniciado el periodo de información pública para delimitar los municipios que se declararán zonas de mercado residencial tensionado y donde se aplicarán las medidas de limitación de las rentas del alquiler.
Gastos por vender una vivienda en 2024
¿Quieres vender tu casa y no sabes cuántos gastos te supone? Realmente no existe un simulador que haga el cálculo automático, ya que depende de diversos factores.
Consejos para combatir el calor en casa y ahorrar energía
Con la llegada del buen tiempo, toca ponerse manos a la obra con muchas cosas en el hogar. Llegan las altas temperaturas y conviene dejarlo todo preparado para sobrellevarlas. Y es que tantas horas de sol terminan por calentar las casas y conciliar el sueño puede ser difícil.
Tendencias de decoración para este verano
Llega el momento de dar un aire más veraniego a tu hogar. La llegada del verano es el momento perfecto para renovar nuestro hogar e impregnarlo de un espíritu mucho más fresco, revitalizante, con colores fríos y alegres.